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Helping Your Business
Unlock the Potential of Iran -
Supporting You
to Thrive in the New Age
Working with international and Iranian companies, we provide the services needed to assess the market opportunity in Iran. Whether you’re looking to enter the market, or develop your business into a growing, sustainable operation, we are able to leverage our vast network across Iran’s business community and public administration, and help your company thrive.
As a full service consultancy, we have provided solutions and customised services for a wide variety of clients, including both local Iranian businesses, and international businesses looking to expand their operations in the region.
Saman Bank is a privately owned Iranian bank, whose pioneering initiatives have allowed it create real added value for its customers. By delivering services characterised by convenience, speed, and confidence, they aim to become customers’ first choice in domestic corporate & international banking. In a fast changing sector, Saman Bank recognised the need to dramatically enhance the quality and impactfulness of its marketing, to better challenge the positions of established market incumbents.
Avin, an IT company and subsidiary of Mellat Bank Group, planned to enter the Iranian app based ride hailing market. With an established market leader, in the form of Snapp, as well as competition from other businesses fighting for a share of the market, convincing passengers to switch from their existing service providers proved a key challenge
For over 40 years, Fouman Chimie Behdasht have been developing their range of consumer products, manufacturing these to exacting standards, in their own state-of-the-art facilities. They have established a presence in several categories across the personal care market, with their Caspian brand being the clear market leader in the Iranian hair spray category. In order to drive cross-category growth for the Caspian personal care business, FCB needed to re-define its optimum brand positioning for the Iranian market. To deliver this, FCB decided to work with the brandgym, a London-based brand agency, and Coley Portel Bell, a global design agency. The project required close cooperation and coordination between the brandgym, Coley Porter Bell, and Fouman Chimie Behdasht’s Iranian management and marketing teams. The challenge was to localise the brandgym’s and Coley Porter Bell’s work to ensure that it resonated with Iranian consumers and meets the needs of the local market.
A multinational beverage company was considering entering the Iranian market. As a first step they wanted to gain a strong foundational knowledge of the business environment and common practices in Iran, as well potential market entry strategies, and as the beverage market specifically.
Saman Bank is a privately owned Iranian bank, whose pioneering initiatives have allowed it create real added value for its customers. By delivering services characterised by convenience, speed, and confidence, they aim to become customers’ first choice in domestic corporate & international banking. In a fast changing sector, Saman Bank recognised the need to dramatically enhance the quality and impactfulness of its marketing, to better challenge the positions of established market incumbents.
Avin, an IT company and subsidiary of Mellat Bank Group, planned to enter the Iranian app based ride hailing market. With an established market leader, in the form of Snapp, as well as competition from other businesses fighting for a share of the market, convincing passengers to switch from their existing service providers proved a key challenge
For over 40 years, Fouman Chimie Behdasht have been developing their range of consumer products, manufacturing these to exacting standards, in their own state-of-the-art facilities. They have established a presence in several categories across the personal care market, with their Caspian brand being the clear market leader in the Iranian hair spray category. In order to drive cross-category growth for the Caspian personal care business, FCB needed to re-define its optimum brand positioning for the Iranian market. To deliver this, FCB decided to work with the brandgym, a London-based brand agency, and Coley Portel Bell, a global design agency. The project required close cooperation and coordination between the brandgym, Coley Porter Bell, and Fouman Chimie Behdasht’s Iranian management and marketing teams. The challenge was to localise the brandgym’s and Coley Porter Bell’s work to ensure that it resonated with Iranian consumers and meets the needs of the local market.
A multinational beverage company was considering entering the Iranian market. As a first step they wanted to gain a strong foundational knowledge of the business environment and common practices in Iran, as well potential market entry strategies, and as the beverage market specifically.